Optimal Health & Longevity
Your health journey begins here. Join Michael and the community for this monthly 3-day cleanse challenge beginning the first Friday of every month.
Whether you are trying to lose weight or you want to clean up your daily dietary choices, Michael has created a detoxing and replenishing cleanse program that is sure to help you realize optimal health and longevity.
Knowledge is Power
As a member of the Fireborn Longevity Cleanse Challenge we help educate you so that you make wiser and healthier choices around food and nutrition. Knowledge is power, and we’re here to help you step into your power and optimal health.
Personalized Support
This is a highly personal cleanse program that gives you personalized one-on-one coaching and support. Michael schedules time each day to personally talk to you and answer any questions or concerns that you have. You are in good hands.
Private Community Access
When you commit to finish your first 3-day Longevity Cleanse Challenge we also commit to you. You will have lifetime access to our private community communications and private events. We gather regularly (once a week) for healthy activities such as hiking, yoga, potlucks, and much more!
Continued Support
When you finish your first Longevity Cleanse Challenge you will continue to be supported and encouraged to maintain your health goals. We encourage all participants to stay active in the community by continuing to actively learn more about nutrition, fitness, meditation, etc. We will continue to support you with articles, videos, recipes, and health-conscious events and activities.
We’re not only cleansing our physical body, but also our mental body. Less stress is best! Meditation is a huge factor in maintaining a healthy, balanced, and stress-free life. In addition to the cleanse itself, you will be given meditation techniques to help you maintain your center in everyday life.
Pre-Cleanse Guide
Michael will provide you with a pre-cleanse guide that will teach you how to prepare for your cleanse, what to do during, and also how to transition off of your cleanse. What you do before and after your cleanse is just as important as the cleanse itself. We’re here to help you go beyond doing random cleanses. Our goal is to help you clean up your diet and lifestyle choices so that you are always eating clean and healthy.
With your 3-day cleanse protocol, you will have plenty of nutrition to keep your energy and spirits up!
Each day of your cleanse provides you with 5 juices and 1 smoothie. This is the perfect amount of nutrition to keep you rocking day and night!
We are committed to using organic produce and ingredients. That being said, occasionally some ingredients are only available as conventional.
We choose to use glass bottles because glass bottles are safer for our health and better for the environment.
Plastic bottles leach harmful chemicals into whatever substance they contain. The last thing we want to do on a detox and cleanse protocol is add harmful chemicals into our bodies.
We encourage everyone working with us to reuse and recycle their bottles. We will take back clean and rinsed bottles which will then be sanitized and reused.
If you’re wondering about how you’re going to get your juices and smoothies for your cleanse, you have a couple of different options.
Your juices and smoothies will be ready for pickup Thursday evening between 5 pm and 10 pm or Friday morning.
If you cannot pick up your juices and smoothies we can deliver them to you for a small delivery fee of $25. Delivery is available within a 15-mile radius of Pasadena.
Michael Has Been Leading Cleanses and
Helping People Get Healthy For 14 Years
Let’s Get Started
If you're ready to embark on this exciting journey of longevity, health, and supreme vitality, it's time to make a powerful commitment to yourself and your well-being. We're not just talking about transformation, we're making it happen!
Your decision to invest in your physical and mental health is not just about improving your own life, but it's also a step toward creating a healthier, happier world. The changes we make within ourselves have a ripple effect that extends to our communities and beyond.
When you prioritize your health, you're not only feeling better physically and mentally, but you're also contributing to a more sustainable and harmonious planet. By nourishing your body with the right nutrients, you become a beacon of inspiration for others.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your health and make a positive impact on the world. The change we need in the world starts right here with you!
-Michael Fireborn
Once you sign up for your Cleanse Challenge you will be contacted within 24 hours to setup your intro call with Michael.