Vow #1 Nutrition. Michael briefly shares the importance of maintaining optimal health and energy by bringing conscious awareness to our food choices, as well as the importance of sobriety.

VOW #1


The first vow of your yoga journey and new conscious life has everything to do with nutrition, namely food, and water. This is the first vow because it is the fastest way for a person to discover the Power of taking a vow and sticking to it. In addition, adopting vibrant healthy lifestyle choices around your nutrition and the maintenance of your body-temple is a sure fast way to see the results of your personal dedication and devotion to manifest a wholesome, pure, and clean life.

You Are What You Eat.

Most people are blissfully ignorant of the fact that what we choose to put in our bodies has a direct effect on the longevity and quality of our lives. It’s as though the vast majority of the population — especially in the West — has slipped into a stupified state of amnesia. I say amnesia because It’s not as though we were never told about the negative effects of processed foods, alcohol, or the overconsumption of sugar.

We all know that consuming dead and processed foods into our bodies will eventually make us sick and dependent on the bandaid solutions from pharmaceutical companies, yet all across this country people line up at fast food restaurants to order the worst possible kinds of processed foods, fried foods, and sugary drinks.

As if that weren’t bad enough, our adult population voluntarily indoctrinates the next generation of youth by instilling the same unhealthy habits in them. Ignorant parents feed their kids garbage food and those kids grow up with the same unhealthy patterns.

We are currently in a widespread state of willful blindness. We pretend that the alarming increase in obesity, cancer, and diabetes is uncoincidental having nothing to do with our lack of self-control and self-respect.

Extreme liberal politics are celebrated while virtue-signaling charismatic influencers and public figures promote so-called “body positivity” rather than healthy eating habits, and exercise.

Unfortunately, we live in a time of unchecked excess and privilege. To be blunt, most people are lazy. Mediocrity has become the baseline for a Western culture that has an adult population of 60% obesity. 

Western culture has become soft and domesticated!

Although the vast majority of Americans aredomesticated creatures of comfort and slaves to their tastebuds, that doesn’t mean you have to buy into this Matrix culture of instant gratification and willful blindness!
 You have a responsibility to maintain your body-temple by educating yourself and making day-to-day life choices that reflect your understanding. 

You are the only one living in that body of yours and it’s solely your responsibility to take proper care of this beautiful machine you’ve been blessed with. Respect yourself by feeding your body-temple LIVING FOODS, exercising regularly, and mitigating the inherent toxicity of your environment through your daily meditation practice.